Friday, May 28, 2010


Many of you may ask what is so good about this morning.Well isn't it enough that I am right here writing something good and you are right there reading something good. :)

Let us just imagine our life ends each day and starts again with another day,then we are new born babies with new life , new beginning, having innocence and curiosity in our eyes.

So what is the point in carrying forward our dissatisfactions,worries,tensions, grudges,disappointments etc..

With that thought, how about trying this??
Today I will make someone smile,I will make a new friend,I will compliment someone,I will help someone in need could be by just giving a valuable suggestion,I will call someone i have lost touch with,I will thank someone close to me for always being there for me.

I know..I know..At the end of the day we are just human beings and its not just about "ME" its the external factors like surrounding,people,weather and yes sometimes its just my 2E's EGO and EXPECTATION.

But hey What if I try doing this for just "TODAY" ??
Overcome all my negative traits and all those bothering external factors.
I am sure when the day ends you will feel a deep satisfaction and a happiness within.
Who knows we might end up making this our habbit .

Give it a thought people.
Its not as hard as it seems.Its a sure formula to happiness for you and all the people around you.
May be that is what they call the art of living!!!


Thursday, May 27, 2010


Have you ever decided that it was time for a change? At first, there is recognition of the need to change. Either you realize it, or someone else indicates it to you. But, just recognizing that a change is needed does not change anything.

Like everything else, change starts in your mind first, and that's where the battle will take place. Your mind will object to changes. "No! I don't want to exercise every day. I don't have enough time! What if I overdo it?" The mind objects to leaving the comfortable environment that it is so accustomed to.

The reason that change is difficult for most people is that we all like to be comfortable, and change interrupts our comfortable routine; it interrupts our comfort zone. Even if our comfortable routine is not bringing us the results in life that we really desire, we choose to remain in the routine, instead of making the decision to change.

It doesn't matter whether the changes are little changes or big changes, your mind will always have some objections to it.

You need to keep reminding yourself of the reason why. If you don't, your mind will come back with all kinds of reasons why you don't need to change anything! Your mind will object by telling you that everything is just fine the way it is! But you must take charge of your mind! Make your mind focus on the goal.

And here's the second thing. Be patient. If you're consistent and persistent, the change will come.

If you take a pot of boiling water off the stove and put in four ice cubes, is that water cool enough to drink? No. But if you keep adding ice cubes, over and over, eventually that boiling water will change to ice cold water.

Change takes time. And many times our minds will get impatient during a period of change. There will be thoughts like, "Oh this isn't working, it's just not happening." Or, "I don't see the point in continuing with this." In other words, the mind is suggesting that you ought to quit and go back to where things were nice and comfortable where things were easy and there wasn't so much to do!

When those kind of thoughts pop up, you need to remind yourself of why you have decided to put in this time and effort.

And always remember that change is a part of life. Realizing that makes life exciting! With God's help, you can indeed make the change! Don't be afraid of change, embrace it!

The time and effort required for change may vary, but the outcome of reaching the desired destination will far outweigh all the time and effort once you arrive!

Comfort zones are just another resting place on the road of life. They are a place to regroup and expand your foundation. They give you a launching pad for the next exciting adventure of life!

If you're current routine is not bringing you the results that you desire, then it's time to move out of your comfort zone! If it's time for a change in your life!