Friday, May 28, 2010


Many of you may ask what is so good about this morning.Well isn't it enough that I am right here writing something good and you are right there reading something good. :)

Let us just imagine our life ends each day and starts again with another day,then we are new born babies with new life , new beginning, having innocence and curiosity in our eyes.

So what is the point in carrying forward our dissatisfactions,worries,tensions, grudges,disappointments etc..

With that thought, how about trying this??
Today I will make someone smile,I will make a new friend,I will compliment someone,I will help someone in need could be by just giving a valuable suggestion,I will call someone i have lost touch with,I will thank someone close to me for always being there for me.

I know..I know..At the end of the day we are just human beings and its not just about "ME" its the external factors like surrounding,people,weather and yes sometimes its just my 2E's EGO and EXPECTATION.

But hey What if I try doing this for just "TODAY" ??
Overcome all my negative traits and all those bothering external factors.
I am sure when the day ends you will feel a deep satisfaction and a happiness within.
Who knows we might end up making this our habbit .

Give it a thought people.
Its not as hard as it seems.Its a sure formula to happiness for you and all the people around you.
May be that is what they call the art of living!!!


1 comment:

  1. Why worry and have wrinkles?????
    When u can smile and have dimples :)
